Research and Scholarship

CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation. 

  • Negotiating Gender: Campaign Practitioners’ Reflections on Gender, Strategy, and Campaigns

    by Kelly Dittmar
    Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC

     This paper explores the variation among and between campaign consultant perspectives, highlighting areas where gender matters more or less and recognizing the influence of consultants’ identities on their perceptions of gender and campaigns. As political actors with a growing presence and influence on campaigns, political consultants provide important insight to the campaign process and the gender dynamics therein. This insight contributes to a deeper understanding of campaigns as gendered institutions, whereby gender norms and expectations are embedded in the culture, structure, and processes of electoral politics.

    Conference Paper
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
  • Life's A Party: Do Political Parties Help or Hinder Women?

    by Kira Sanbonmatsu
    Harvard International Review, 2010

    Sanbonmatsu evaluates the role of political parties in electing women to office. She argues that the history of U.S. parties indicates that women’s organizations and movements, women leaders, and women voters are the keys to making political parties a help rather than a hindrance to women’s representation.

    CAWP Scholar
    Political Parties
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Candidate Recruitment
  • Entering the Mayor’s Office: Women’s Decisions to Run for Municipal Office

    by Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu
    Paper presented at the 2010 Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting

    This paper investigates the routes that women take to the mayor’s office in big cities (with populations of 30,000 and above) using the 2008 CAWP Mayoral Recruitment Study. The authors investigate the backgrounds of women mayors and their decisions to seek municipal office for the first time.

    Conference Paper
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Candidate Recruitment
  • Organizing American Politics, Organizing Gender

    Book chapter by Kira Sanbonmatsu in The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Ed. Jan E. Leighley. 
    Oxford University Press, 2010, 800 pages

    This edited volume contains chapters by leading experts in the field of American elections and political behavior. Sanbonmatsu's chapter reviews research on gender differences in mass behavior and candidacy. She argues that future scholarship should focus on understanding the conditions under which gender structures political behavior and elections. In addition to calling for research on when gender as a social category is cued in politics, she argues that elections can create gender as a category: political behavior and elections themselves can shape beliefs about gender, instructing society about what men and women are like. 

    Book Chapter
    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Women Voters and the Gender Gap