We Need More Women in Public Office

Research shows that women make government more transparent, inclusive and accessible. Women bring different priorities and experiences to public life, including perspectives that have been largely absent in public policymaking. Women change the way government works, and their voices are needed around the country. Ready to Run® is a non-partisan campaign training program to encourage women to run for elective office, position themselves for appointive office, work on a campaign, or get involved in public life in other ways. CAWP's model curriculum covers fundraising, positioning oneself for elected office, navigating the political party structure, media training, the nuts and bolts of organizing a campaign, mobilizing voters, and crafting a message.
Ready to Run® New Jersey
For the past 25 years, our flagship New Jersey program has trained over 4,000 women to run for office, seek appointed positions, and manage campaigns. Ready to Run® program attendees walk away with:
"How to" instructions on running for office
Fundraising and media skills
Real-world advice and best practices from experts
Strategies for positioning yourself for public leadership
Inspiration to launch a campaign
A better understanding of party politics
Internet strategies for political campaigns
Ready to Run® National Network
Our national network of Ready to Run® programs includes partners in more than 20 states around the country.