Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who was the first woman Speaker of the House, is now House Minority Leader.
In addition to the women currently serving, 5 (3D, 2R) women serve as non-voting delegates representing American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Of the women currently serving in the House:
women first entered by winning regular general elections.
women lawmakers held previous elective offices prior to entering Congress.
won special elections; Adams (NC), Bonamici (OR), Chu (CA), Clark (MA), Fudge (OH), Hanabusa (HI), Handel (GA), Kelly (IL), Lee (CA), Matsui (CA), Pelosi (CA), Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Speier (CA), and Tsongas (MA) succeeded others who died or resigned. The AS, DC, GU and VI Delegates won regular general elections.
held more than one previous elective post. The positions include: statewide elective (2); state senator (19); state representative (43); county elective (8); municipal elective (19); judge (2); school board member (5).
*Women who self-identify as more than one race/ethnicity are included on CAWP pages for each group with which they identify. We strongly caution against adding totals from each racial/ethnic group should, as it will double count officeholders.
Of the 84 current women U.S. Representatives:
- 7 identify as Asian American/Pacific Islander
- 18 identify as Black
- 9 identify as Latina
- 50 identify as white
In addition, of the 5 women non-voting delegates: 1 identifies as Asian American/Pacific Islander, 1 identifies as Latina, 2 identify as Black women, and 1 identifies as white.
Name | Party | Year(s) Served | State |
Alma S. Adams | D | 2014-present | North Carolina |
Karen R. Bass | D | 2011-2022 | California |
Joyce B. Beatty | D | 2013-present | Ohio |
Diane L. Black | R | 2011-2018 | Tennessee |
Marsha Blackburn | R | 2003-2018 | Tennessee |
Lisa Blunt Rochester | D | 2017-2024 | Delaware |
Suzanne M. Bonamici | D | 2012-present | Oregon |
Susan W. Brooks | R | 2013-2020 | Indiana |
Julia Brownley | D | 2013-present | California |
Cheri L. Bustos | D | 2013-2022 | Illinois |
Kathy A. Castor | D | 2007-present | Florida |
Liz L. Cheney | R | 2017-2022 | Wyoming |
Judy Chu | D | 2009-present | California |
Katherine M. Clark | D | 2013-present | Massachusetts |
Yvette D. Clarke | D | 2007-present | New York |
Barbara J. Comstock | R | 2015-2018 | Virginia |
Susan A. Davis | D | 2001-2020 | California |
Diana L. DeGette | D | 1997-present | Colorado |
Rosa L. DeLauro | D | 1991-present | Connecticut |
Suzan K. DelBene | D | 2012-present | Washington |
Val B. Demings | D | 2017-2022 | Florida |
Nanette Diaz Barragan | D | 2017-present | California |
Debbie Dingell | D | 2015-present | Michigan |
Anna G. Eshoo | D | 1993-2024 | California |
Elizabeth H. Esty | D | 2013-2018 | Connecticut |
Virginia A. Foxx | R | 2005-present | North Carolina |
Lois J. Frankel | D | 2013-present | Florida |
Marcia L. Fudge | D | 2008-2021 | Ohio |
Tulsi Gabbard | D | 2013-2020 | Hawaii |
Kay N. Granger | R | 1997-2024 | Texas |
Colleen W. Hanabusa | D | 2016-2018 | Hawaii |
Karen C. Handel | R | 2017-2018 | Georgia |
Vicky Jo Hartzler | R | 2011-2022 | Missouri |
Jaime L. Herrera Beutler | R | 2011-2022 | Washington |
Pramila Jayapal | D | 2017-present | Washington |
Lynn M. Jenkins | R | 2009-2018 | Kansas |
Eddie Bernice Johnson | D | 1993-2022 | Texas |
Marcy C. Kaptur | D | 1983-present | Ohio |
Robin L. Kelly | D | 2013-present | Illinois |
Ann McLane Kuster | D | 2013-2024 | New Hampshire |
Brenda L. Lawrence | D | 2015-2022 | Michigan |
Barbara J. Lee | D | 1998-2024 | California |
Sheila Jackson Lee | D | 1995-2024 | Texas |
Zoe Lofgren | D | 1995-present | California |
Mia B. Love | R | 2015-2018 | Utah |
Nita M. Lowey | D | 1989-2020 | New York |
Michelle Lujan Grisham | D | 2013-2018 | New Mexico |
Carolyn B. Maloney | D | 1993-2022 | New York |
Doris O. Matsui | D | 2005-present | California |
Betty McCollum | D/DFL | 2001-present | Minnesota |
Cathy McMorris Rodgers | R | 2005-2024 | Washington |
Martha McSally | R | 2015-2018 | Arizona |
Grace Meng | D | 2013-present | New York |
Gwen S. Moore | D | 2005-present | Wisconsin |
Stephanie Murphy | D | 2017-2022 | Florida |
Grace F. Napolitano | D | 1999-2024 | California |
Kristi Noem | R | 2011-2018 | South Dakota |
Nancy Pelosi | D | 1987-present | California |
Chellie M. Pingree | D | 2009-present | Maine |
Kathleen M. Rice | D | 2015-2022 | New York |
Martha Roby | R | 2011-2020 | Alabama |
Ileana C. Ros-Lehtinen | R | 1989-2018 | Florida |
Jacklyn S. Rosen | D | 2017-2018 | Nevada |
Lucille Roybal-Allard | D | 1993-2022 | California |
Linda T. Sanchez | D | 2003-present | California |
Jan D. Schakowsky | D | 1999-present | Illinois |
Terri A. Sewell | D | 2011-present | Alabama |
Carol Shea-Porter | D | 2017-2018 | New Hampshire |
Kyrsten Sinema | D | 2013-2018 | Arizona |
Louise M. Slaughter | D | 1987-2018 | New York |
Jackie Speier | D | 2008-2022 | California |
Elise M. Stefanik | R | 2015-present | New York |
Claudia Tenney | R | 2017-2018 | New York |
Dina C. Titus | D | 2013-present | Nevada |
Norma J. Torres | D | 2015-present | California |
Niki S. Tsongas | D | 2007-2018 | Massachusetts |
Nydia M. Velazquez | D | 1993-present | New York |
Ann L. Wagner | R | 2013-present | Missouri |
Jackie Swihart Walorski | R | 2013-2022 | Indiana |
Mimi Walters | R | 2015-2018 | California |
Debbie Wasserman Schultz | D | 2005-present | Florida |
Maxine Waters | D | 1991-present | California |
Bonnie Watson Coleman | D | 2015-present | New Jersey |
Frederica S. Wilson | D | 2011-present | Florida |
Name | Party | Year(s) Served | State |
Madeleine Z. Bordallo | D | 2003-2018 | Guam |
Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen | R | 2015-present | American Samoa |
Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon | R | 2017-2024 | Puerto Rico |
Eleanor Holmes Norton | D | 1991-present | District of Columbia |
Stacey E. Plaskett | D | 2015-present | Virgin Islands |