Arati Saldage Kreibich

Former Councilmember, Glen Rock

Dr. Arati Kreibich is an activist, community organizer, scientist, and former candidate for Congress. She immigrated to the U.S. when she was 11 years old with her parents and two younger brothers because they believed in the promise of America.

Arati earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania in 2005. Her research focused on the science of opioid addiction, relapse, and stress. Arati lives with her husband Thomas and their two children, Neil and Jay, in Glen Rock. She and her family love hiking, reading, and spending time with their dog, Bailey.

Arati successfully ran for Glen Rock Borough Council in 2017, becoming the first South Asian person elected to the Council. In office, she made combating climate change a priority by leading Glen Rock to town-wide clean energy consumption and a plastic bag ban.

In 2020, Arati stepped up again and ran for Congress. Her campaign mobilized over 1,100 volunteers, was endorsed by Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Bernie Sanders, and attracted national media attention. Arati earned 34% of the vote, significantly more than any Democratic primary challenge to an incumbent NJ rep in at least the last decade.