Gender and Race/Ethnicity Research

  • Women's Evolving Role in Tribal Politics: Native Women Leaders in 21 Southwestern Indian Nations

    by Diane-Michele Prindeville
    2002, 36 pages

    Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University.  Prindeville's study explores the role of Southwestern Native American women leaders in tribal politics, and their right to participate equally with men in their nations’ governance.  

    Gender and Race/Ethnicity
  • Women, Black, and Hispanic State Elected Leaders: The 1990 Symposium on the State of the States

    Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
    Center for Public Service, University of Virginia
    1991, 106 pages

    In December 1990, more than sixty statewide officials, state legislators, other practitioners and scholars gathered for the fourth annual State of the States symposium. The symposium focused on the problems and possibilities that exist for women, Black and Hispanic elected officials. Issues discussed included campaigning and elections, changing political institutions, shaping state policy, and achieving leadership positions. Workshop summaries and participating scholars' papers are included in the report. 

    CAWP Scholar
    Candidates and Campaigns
    Gender and Race/Ethnicity
    Impact of Women Public Officials
    State Legislature
    Statewide Executive