How many awards will be given annually?

CAWP will award up to four Ruth B. Mandel Dissertation Research Awards annually, with the expectation that at least one award will be designated for a Rutgers University student.

What is the size of each Ruth B. Mandel Award?

Each award will be $2000 in value to support dissertation research on women, gender, and U.S. politics.

When will applicants find out if they have been selected as an awardee?

We anticipate completing the review process and notifying grantees in June 2025. We expect awards to be issued by August 2025. 

What will be required of awardees?

Upon completion of their dissertation, Ruth B. Mandel Award recipients will be expected to share their dissertation with CAWP for internal review (not for public distribution). Once/if the dissertation is available to the public, the award recipient will notify CAWP so that we can include a link on our awards page.

What are allowable expenses to be covered by Ruth B. Mandel Awards?

Awards should be used to facilitate dissertation research. Relevant costs include, but are not limited to: technology, research assistance, data purchases, surveys, transcription, non-conference travel, as well as to offset the costs of reduced teaching, child care, or related expenses incurred in order to provide applicants the time to complete research. 

Will awards be issued directly to awardees or to their home institutions?

Award checks will be issued to awardees directly, not to their home institutions. Awardees will provide relevant information for payment to CAWP staff upon notification of their award.

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